An Image Ode to World Breastfeeding Week

I have yet to write about this topic. But this week, and this moment, seem appropriate. It’s World Breast Feeding Week. Coincidentally I had planned a post for today that included the topic of breastfeeding, I started writing it last night (cause lately its best to get the thoughts out on paper while they are there), but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see it. Tonight I’d like to give you a little guided tour, on my experience with breastfeeding. I’ve decided to do this, honestly, openly, and despite some queasy feelings in my belly about going into this topic, in an effort to do my part, to normalize breastfeeding. **Warning, you might see a boob, or two**


IMG_2215Here is my squish, fresh and new. This was his first glance at what was soon to be an obsession.

IMG_2633Here we are happily nursing, though just having gotten through a case of Mastitis.

IMG_2672 This is when I knew why he really liked me.

IMG_2730Baby’s gotta eat. Mama’s gotta eat.

IMG_3950Nursing happens in all kinds of places, and babywearing makes this possible.

IMG_3204Group selfie with my two best girls, and a side boob with a latched baby.

IMG_0061The best nursing pictures are taken when baby has fallen into that milk drunk, blissful sleep.

IMG_1022Here’s another. My favorite view.

IMG_1023my meme.

IMG_0445One of many photos with a shirt half up.

IMG_1272A recent one captured by my dad, on our father-daughter, and now grandson dates.

IMG_1518By the Sea.


Breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding, and most challenging things I have ever taken on. From tongue tie, to prolonged “breastmilk” jaundice, to mastitis, and now thrush (more on that here soon), we have faced been through many ups and downs, and there have been many moments when I have wondered if it was worth it.

It is. To me, it is worth it. I know that breast milk is the best nutritional start I can give to my child. I know that nursing is the greatest emotional and physical bond I can be giving right now. Not all mamas breastfeed, either by choice, or by circumstance. But for those who have wanted to, tried, succeed, and eventually (at whatever point) stopped, here is my ode to you. As an older man (unknown by me) once told me, “It is the most beautiful thing you can do. It is what nature intended. Please don’t hide it.”


The greatest support in breastfeeding that I have experienced has been in my mama tribe. Wisdom, advice, or simply a hug and an “I’ve been there”. If you need support in breastfeeding, please look into a group. La Leche League International can help you to locate a support group in your area.


To help normalize breastfeeding, please consider sharing your stories, or photos on the Facebook page.


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